Whatever you're looking for, we've got it.
Please fill out the form so we could efficiently calculate the number of recruiters in our network that match your qualifications.
We assist Job Seeks to build the proper connections by having a FREE resume posting at our website and by providing direct resume distribution. We entice recruiters by giving them FREE access to our resume information database by directly sending resumes to the foremost qualified Job Seeker.
Our database is searched by thousands of Recruiters who have a positions to fill in. Each one of our Recruiters has come to our website, opened an online account and set their filters supported their open positions. We tend to verify every new Recruiter in order to maintain our network of high-quality Recruiters.
In addition, we provide a full vary of services to help our candidates in their job search. If you're a Job Seeker searching for a specific position or just seeking for a maximum exposure, you come to the right company!
Our Updated Staffing Network can electronically distribute your resume on to our network of Recruiters supported your filter choices. We tend to target the distribution to solely the Recruiters that can potentially help you. Your resume is going to be sent to Recruiters specializing in your trade, Job perform, wage vary, and Geographical preferences. Our goal is to provide your resume the main target that provides you a lot of exposure to the perfect company which will hire and maximize your talent.
With Job Near Me health and safety for our employees are very important. Prevention is one of our TOP PRIORITY, that is why we give time to our employees to train and to follow the safety rules given by the (WSIB). As the Worker ‘s Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) says: There really are no accidents.
Job Near Me will inform you of any personal safety equipment that is required for your placement. If the employer asks you to perform a task that is different from the one to which you were assigned initially, please let Job Near Me Representative know right away. Also, if you are asked to perform a task which you feel is unsafe, please inform your on-site supervisor and contact us immediately. You have a right to refuse unsafe work!
we will be handing out FREE Health and Safety information sheets for you take home and read. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the office at 1855.753.7845.
We will also be posting articles on a monthly basis as part of our Worker Well-being program. Please feel free to contact us with any topics you would like to see or any comments you may have.
We provide solutions in several types of employment relationships
Long-term & Short-term Projects
on call
Direct Placement
International trained worker
Seasonal contract placement​
​​​Submit your application form and resume to begin your job search today!
fill out the form, and send your resume. Once submitted one of our recruiters will contact you to advance the process.